Tugas Bahasa Inggris
“Passive Voice”
Number : 01 / 4584
Class : XI RPL-2
syukur kita panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat-Nya
sehingga makalah yang dibuat dapat terselesaikan dengan baik yaitu mata kuliah
ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk mengajarkan bahwa sesungguhnya pendidikan itu
sangatlah penting dan sebagai keharusan untuk di pelajari karena pendidikan
dapat memajukan IPTEK dan membuat masyarakat menjadi lebih berilmu. Makalah ini
juga dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi pembaca untuk membuat makalah dan
menambah wawasan dalam ilmu pendidikan.
yang disusun dan dibuat atas dasar tugas yang diberikan dan sebagai
pertanggung jawaban, untuk mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Tidak lupa saya
sampaikan terima kasih kepada :
1. Ibu Hevi Ristyani. selaku Guru pembimbing mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris yang telah membimbing kami dalam belajar di sekolah.
2. Seluruh pihak yang telah membantu untuk menyelesaikan
tiada gading yang tak ada retaknya, sehingga kami menyadari bahwa makalah yang
dibuat jauh dari sempurna, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang membangun dari
dosen ataupun dari para pembaca sangat kami harapkan.
semoga makalah yang dibuat ini bermanfaat bagi penulis, pembaca dan masyarakat
Boyolali, 25 January 2016
Introduction …………………… i
Of Content …………………… ii
Notion Passive
Voice ………………….... 1
Present Passive
Voice ………………….... 2
Past Passive
Voice ………………..….. 3
Passive Voice ………………...…. 4
Auxiliary Voice …………………… 5
“Passive voice”
Passive voice (
Kalimat pasif ) adalah salah satu kalimat yang sering di gunakan dalam bahasa
Inggris. Passive voice juga terdapat pada bahasa Indonesia,
misalnya makan menjadi dimakan,minum menjadi diminum.
Cara membentuk kalimat pasif
adalah sebagai berikut :
Mengubah objek dalam
aktif menjadi subjek dalam bentuk pasif.
Meletakkan by sesudah
kata kerja utama dalam bentuk pasif sebelum subjek.
Kata kerja yang
dipakai adalah verb 3 yang didahului to be.
Menyusun kalimat
menyesuakan tenses.
Dalam bahasa Inggris
terdapat bentuk yaitu :
A. Present Passive Voice
B. Past Passive Voice
C. Future Passive Voice
D. Modal Auxiliary Passive Voice
Present Passive Voice
1. Simple Present Tense
Active :
Do / Does + Verb 1
· I
speak English every day.
· She
write novel every morning
Passive :
Is / Am / Are + Verb 3
· English
is spoken by me every day.
· Novel
is write by her every morning.
2. Present Continous Tense
Active :
Is / Am / Are + Verb –ing
· She
is reading a novel.
· Ali
is singing a song.
Passive :
Is / Am / Are + Being + Verb 3
· A
novel is being read by her.
· A
song is being sung by Ali.
3. Present Perfect Tense
Active :
Have / Has + Verb 3
· Sabila
has studied english.
· I
have Written a novel.
Passive :
Have / Has + Been + Verb 3
· English
has been studied by Sabila.
· A
novel have been written by me.
Past Passive Voice
1. Simple Past Tense
Active :
Did + Verb 2
· Rico
studied English.
· Rian
drank water.
- Passive :
Was / Were + Verb 3
· English
was studied by Rico.
· Water
was drunk by Rian.
2. Past Continous Tense
- Active :
Was / Were + Verb –ing
· Rini
was studying English.
· We
were reading a book
- Passive :
Was / Were + Being + Verb 3
· English
was being studied by Rini.
· A
book were being read by us.
3. Past Perfect Tense
- Active :
Had + Verb 3
· Fany
had drank coffe.
· Reny
had speak english.
Passive :
Had + Been + Verb 3
· Coffe
had been drank by Fany.
· English
had been spoken by Reny
Future Passive Voice
1. Simple Future Tense
Active :
Will / Shall + Verb 1
· Tina
will read a newspaper.
· Fendi
will study English.
Passive :
Will / Shall + Be + Verb 3
· A
newapaper will be read by Tina.
· English
will be studied by Fendi.
2. Future Continous Tense
Active :
Will / Shall + Be + Verb –ing
· Toni
will be reading a book.
· Rian
will be studying English.
Passive :
Will / Shall + Be + Being + Verb 3
· A
book will be being read by Toni
· English
will be being studied by Rian.
3. Future Perfect Tense
Active :
Will / Shall + Have + Verb 3
· Tian
will have spoken English.
· Toni
will have read a newspaper.
Passive :
Will / Shall + Have + Been + Verb 3
· English
will have been spoken by Tian.
· A
newapaper will have been by Toni
Modal Auxiliary Passive Voice
Active :
Can -
Could +
Verb 1
– Might +
Verb 1
– Would +
Verb 1
– Had to + Verb
– Should +
Verb 1
to +
Verb 1
· Toni can
speak english
· Rian
may drink coffe.
Passive :
Can –
Could +
Be + Verb 3
– Might +
Be + Verb 3
– Would +
Be + Verb 3
– Had to + Be
+ Verb 3
– Should + Be
+ Verb 3
to +
Be + Verb 3
· English can
be spoken by Toni.
“Example Passive Voice”
these Active sentences into Passive Voice!
1. I write a letter.
2. He is buying a car
3. He hated me.
4. I was admiring this statue.
5. They will polish the car.
6. I have punished those children.
7. She would sell her house.
8. We had found your watches.
9. David didn’t rode the bicycle.
10. She cut my nail.
11. We are arresting the pickpocket (copet)
12. I shall buy a car.
13. Do you love me?
14. Have you paid all debt? (debt=hutang)
15. I have found your wallet.
16. Mr. Thomson doesn’t trust you.
17. He teaches me English.
18. The servant sweeps the rooms.
19. Mother makes a cup of tea.
20. She takes a plate from the cupboard.
21. My uncle used my car.
22. People admire the picture.
23. The wind blew his hat down the street.
24. They will take her to hospital tomorrow.
25. The police gave me $5 reward.
26. They will send Nazarudin to prison.
27. People should make lesson more interesting.
28. They have eaten all the dinner.
29. Somebody left the light on all night.
30. No one can answer your question.
31. They built two new house last year.
32. Someone has stolen my collection of coin.
33. Lions attacked the travelers.
34. I have sharpened the knives.
35. Someone blew whistle three times.
36. The police have to put you in prison.
37. We have found the stolen car in another town.
38. You didn’t feed the chicken yesterday.
39. The students can submit their assignments.( tugas)
40. We must write the answers on one side of the paper.
Change these Passive sentences into Active voice!
1. I was offered me a good seat. (seat = tempt duduk)
2. You have been vaccinated by the doctor.
3. Has the lion been shot by you?
4. Mr. David will be visited by me next week.
5. The lamp is broken by my brother.
6. The composition was written by me.
7. All of the boxes will be moved by the workers.
8. My book have been stolen.
9. The piano was being played loudly by my neighbor.
10. Milk is used for butter and cheese.
11. You have been invited by the headmaster.
12. A clever student was praised by the teacher.
13. The machine has to be cleaned every month.
14. The house was built in 1995.
15. Some computers were stolen by the thieves last night.
16. Cars are produced by Japanese.
17. This machine is operated by a robot.
18. The book was printed by Gramedia.
19. The building has been guarded by the securities.
20. This picture was painted by an artist last year.
21. The office was redecorated last nigt.
22. Printing machines were invented in 1450.
23. Attention is not given by his parents.
24. Cathy’s birthday will be celebrated by her family next week.
25. The ball should be kicked by the player.
1. I write a letter.
2. He is buying a car
3. He hated me.
4. I was admiring this statue.
5. They will polish the car.
6. I have punished those children.
7. She would sell her house.
8. We had found your watches.
9. David didn’t rode the bicycle.
10. She cut my nail.
11. We are arresting the pickpocket (copet)
12. I shall buy a car.
13. Do you love me?
14. Have you paid all debt? (debt=hutang)
15. I have found your wallet.
16. Mr. Thomson doesn’t trust you.
17. He teaches me English.
18. The servant sweeps the rooms.
19. Mother makes a cup of tea.
20. She takes a plate from the cupboard.
21. My uncle used my car.
22. People admire the picture.
23. The wind blew his hat down the street.
24. They will take her to hospital tomorrow.
25. The police gave me $5 reward.
26. They will send Nazarudin to prison.
27. People should make lesson more interesting.
28. They have eaten all the dinner.
29. Somebody left the light on all night.
30. No one can answer your question.
31. They built two new house last year.
32. Someone has stolen my collection of coin.
33. Lions attacked the travelers.
34. I have sharpened the knives.
35. Someone blew whistle three times.
36. The police have to put you in prison.
37. We have found the stolen car in another town.
38. You didn’t feed the chicken yesterday.
39. The students can submit their assignments.( tugas)
40. We must write the answers on one side of the paper.
Change these Passive sentences into Active voice!
1. I was offered me a good seat. (seat = tempt duduk)
2. You have been vaccinated by the doctor.
3. Has the lion been shot by you?
4. Mr. David will be visited by me next week.
5. The lamp is broken by my brother.
6. The composition was written by me.
7. All of the boxes will be moved by the workers.
8. My book have been stolen.
9. The piano was being played loudly by my neighbor.
10. Milk is used for butter and cheese.
11. You have been invited by the headmaster.
12. A clever student was praised by the teacher.
13. The machine has to be cleaned every month.
14. The house was built in 1995.
15. Some computers were stolen by the thieves last night.
16. Cars are produced by Japanese.
17. This machine is operated by a robot.
18. The book was printed by Gramedia.
19. The building has been guarded by the securities.
20. This picture was painted by an artist last year.
21. The office was redecorated last nigt.
22. Printing machines were invented in 1450.
23. Attention is not given by his parents.
24. Cathy’s birthday will be celebrated by her family next week.
25. The ball should be kicked by the player.